Why Did Communism Fail

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To answer the question of why did communism fail, you first have to understand what communism is and how it formed and used throughout history. Communist ideals were used sparsely throughout history, ranging from paleolithic times up through 18th century Europe. In these cases it was very unorganized and not used by large groups of people. In the 1840’s Karl Marx began publishing books pertaining to his idea of communism which is now called Marxism. The difference between communism and marxism is that marxism is only the idea or framework, and communism is the practical application of that idea. In 1846 Marx established the Communist Correspondence Committee, also known as the Communist League, this is known as the first organized political party that was communist. The Communist League was unsuccessful and was disbanded in in 1852, but during this time Marx was inspired to write the very infamous book The Communist Manifesto. After the Communist League failed Marx helped established the International Workingmen's Association, which was aimed at very left-wing working class men. This organization was much more successful that the Communist League, but because of internal tension between the socialists and the anarchists the …show more content…

In North Korea for example the way that things are managed are no different that they were back in the 50’s. Change is the way forward, and every successful country has gone through at least some way that they run their country. For example, when the U.S. was first established the major political parties were the Federalists and the Whigs, with occasional representation from the Democratic-Republicans. In modern day United States government the two main parties are the Democrats and the Republicans, with occasional representation from the Libertarians. In the USSR, the dictators had the same political views, and they didn’t change with the