Why Did Jfk Moon Landing Of 1969

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The moon landing was during the year 1969. The moon landing was Kennedy’s challenge. It was a race to win to be the first ones on the moon . It was also supposed to be done before the decade was out. First Kennedy had a challenge. Kennedy’s challenge was to send a man to the moon. It was on July 20, 1969 that Kennedy was planning to send a man to space. This challenge had to be done before the decade was out. In seven NASA made a bold decision to send the Apollo 8 all the way to the moon on the first manned flight massive Saturn V Rocket. Next on July 16 they made a crew for the Apollo 11. The crew of astronauts were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Once the Apollo 11 leaves, 12 minutes after it left it was now in orbit. Later the crew sets down the Eagle in the Sea of Tranquility Armstrong improvises by manually piloting the ship past on an area littered with boulders. At 4:18 p.m. EDT there was only 30 seconds of fuel that remained when the lunar module lands. Then later said that they have landed. …show more content…

EDT. At 10:56 p.m. EDT Armstrong was ready to plant his foot on the moon. To have the first human foot to a different planet. On the Earth more than a half billion people were watching on television. Armstrong is climbing the ladder and says “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Shortly after Aldrin joins Armstrong and offers a simple but powerful description of the lunar surface. On the moon the crew had spend two hour and a half just to collect sample and take photographs. The had left behind an American flag in honor of the Apollo 11 crew and a plaque on one of the Eagle’s