Why Did The Greeks Become Equal To Rome

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University of the People

In this assignment, I will try to explain how did Carthage become almost equal to Rome and show the strength of both and how this conflict led to Rome becoming a naval power. Because Rome had a great empire throughout long years of battling with its neighbours hoping to increase its power to become the great region without any rival. And it did it when it took control of the whole Italy land and made it as it homeland after a long period of conflict with other tribes. However, Rome was very confident in its strategies and power that no one could beat it. Until a new similar and powerful empire started to raise and became a threat for Rome on the other side of the sea called Carthage (North Africa and Spain).

But before starting, I would love to give a brief introduction to Carthage. Carthage is a city located today Tunisia, North Africa founded by the Phoenician Queen Elissa around 813 BCE (Mark, J.J. 2011). Its people, Carthaginians had invaded most of the western Mediterranean Sea …show more content…

But how did Carthage gain all its power and become equal to Rome? When Carthage used to be small territories surrounded by powerful land, which made the Carthaginians move to the sea to establish a strong empire later. The Carthage built routes of trade in the Mediterranean sea between Islands and other lands next to the sea, which led Carthage to become very wealthy. Thanks to this wealth, Carthage was able to build a strong fleet that could defend its trade's routes in the Mediterranean sea and unlike the Rome, Carthage used its wealth to hire mercenaries to fight its battles and defend its interests, making Rome facing a new enemy with a quite different attitude to life later. Carthage had become a strong and a commercial empire, they were very considerate and thought too much about