Why Did The Industrial Revolution Start In England Research Paper

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Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
Evolution is life, as life is constantly changing. During the most important periods of the history, the world had changed dramatically. According to historians, one of the periods that created the world today is the industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that took place in England in the periods from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. One problem with the revolution is why did it begin in England but not other parts of the world. The industrial revolution first took place in England because of her geographic advantages, deregulation influenced by social freedom, and a surplus of food due to agricultural improvements.
England’s geography and its natural resources were an important part of the industrial revolution. England had coal to power machines, iron to build the machines, and wool which the machines made into textiles. It also had geographic features such as rivers and oceans which allowed goods to be transported into and out of the country. The waterways also served as water power which moved factories from using men power (muscle) to water. With …show more content…

Changes in agriculture include enclosing without the help of the Parliament, the introduction of four year rotation of crops, growing turnips and other plants, improving the quality of animals (stock breading), and dividing the land into larger farms. All these improvements help create larger farms that are owned by a few rich farm owners who uses new inventions to do farm work faster and more efficient. The result of changes is improvements in the quality of life. People will not easily die of famine anymore and so most of the population is able to leave the farm for other

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