Why Did Trump Win The 2016 Election Essay

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The 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was one for the history books due to lots of speculations. This specific election was by far the most debatable and active one in all of American history because of how citizens choose to express their opinion. But due to a landslide of vote, you could say that Hillary got “Trumped”. Other than the actual presidential debate, another question had risen amongst Americans: What was the real reason that Trump won the 2016 presidential election?
One speculation on why Trump took the win is because of one simple issue. As ridiculous as it sounds, people only voted for Trump because his name was first on the election ballot. All because of his name being the first thing voters saw, this may be why Trump is our president. Now, usually a Republican will vote for a Republican, and same with a Democrat. But according the following quote, “‘There is a human tendency to lean towards the first name listed on the ballot," says Krosnick, a politics professor at Stanford University. "And that has caused increases on average of about three percentage points for candidates, across lots of races and states and years, ‘“(www.bbc.com, Did Trump win because his name came first …show more content…

Being a quote-on-quote celebrity, Trump had a better chance of winning since the start of the election. In the quote, “‘It gave him 10 years of being in front of the American public being the boss, being CEO, hiring people, famously firing people, being the guy who can fix it, the one who knows everything, being the big authoritarian patriarchal guy,” (www.theguardian.com, Celebrity) it explains how the American people were already familiar with Trump’s name. If it were the other way around, maybe Hillary would have won the 2016 election. Due to the mass majority of the media, opinions on Trump were spread state-to-state; opinions both good and