Why Did US Use Atomic Bomb In The 21st Century?

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The 20th century is believed to be a period of vital and important changes in different spheres in the human history, especially in the Second World War. This was the time when nations had imperialist aims and wanted to be as dominant as possible and show that supremacy to their neighbors and to the entire world. Throughout this epoch, exemplary developments took part in science, military force adjustment, and in nuclear technologies. One of the most important inventions was the development of atomic bombs by United States. The bombs were invented nearly the end of Second World War (1945), in a project US called “The Manhattan Project” (Rotter 6). They were used for the first time against Japan in Hiroshima after Japanese army refused to surrender to the …show more content…

Nevertheless, the importance of their usage during that crucial stage was that it ended the war fundamentally and saved millions of lives by avoiding the long and bloody war that was taking part during this time to carry on. But then again, is it possible that an outstanding discovery such as that turns into nightmare in today’s world? What if atomic bombs are (miss)used by any dictator in 21st century? The reasons why US wanted to use atomic bombs are explained in the famous book “The Nuclear Revolution”, by Michael Mandelbaum. According to Mandelbaum, there were two main reasons why US wanted to use atomic bombs. Firstly, US were having a very tough situation during that time with many casualties and a new war with Japan would not be smart to occur (27-28). Secondly, US wanted to use them before Soviet Union (who were also

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