
Why Do Extension Professionals Use Social Media Platforms?

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Social media platforms are becoming beneficial methods of communication to build public relationships in organizations (Curtis et al., 2010). These platforms provide a unique method for Extension professionals to meet their clients’ needs. In addition, Extension can use social media to increase advertisement of their Extension educational programs to reach a larger audience. Extension professionals can advertise programs by posting messages and images on their personal or provisional pages (Mains, Jenkins-Howard, & Stephenson, 2013).
Social media platforms offer many advantages for Extension organizations. These advantages consist of reaching new clientele (Rhoades et al., 2009), communicating with existing clientele (Robideau & Santl, 2011), and saving money and time (Strong & Alvis, 2011). Extension professionals can use social media to reach a broad diversity of audiences, provide …show more content…

Furthermore, a study by the Cooperative Extension at the University of California utilized social media to solicit donations to fund research for the Pacific fisher animal. The researchers requested donations by using social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. This method helped to reach out to people from across the state and nation. It was successful in spreading outreach to new external audiences and increase the awareness about Pacific fisher animal. MSU Extension Service Forestry professionals have incorporated interactive video methods to deliver programming (Londo et al., 2009). Through this, there was an increase in the number of participants in programs when compared to face-to-face and other traditional delivery methods. Overall, it was found that clientele served were satisfied with the delivery method. It also benefited MSU Extension as more than one county was served thus saving time and

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