
Why Do Polar Bears Become Extinct

655 Words3 Pages

Bella Rosenberg
21 January 2017
Polar Bears are Becoming Extinct
A polar bear is dying at this moment. The Endangered Species Act listed polar bears as threatened in May 2008. (“Polar Bear.”) “It is believed that there are only 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears living in the wild” (Bradford 4). Threats to the polar bear include climate change, industrial impacts, and human/polar bear conflicts. Everyone should be involved with helping endangered animals. As for This paper will evaluate the reasons why the polar bear, the threatened species, are going extinct and what humans are trying to do before they are gone forever.
Undoubtedly, polar bears live in the Arctic Circle, which is becoming warmer and warmer at the minute. This …show more content…

Since the ice is melting in the Arctic Circle, polar bears are forced to live on land. Usually, in a warmer season the ice comes back which still leaves the polar bears denning on land. Industrial development may be going on in the area at that time, which leads too, “... a potential collision course” (Kinnerod1) Also, noise from onshore and offshore industrial operations may cause a disturbance to polar bears. Finally, spilled oil may cause to get onto the polar bear in many places including the skin, eyes, and maybe even the ears. The polar bear may go blind or deaf and will not see or hear its predators or prey (“Polar Bear”). Humans may be able to help this disaster by discontinuing industrial operations around the polar bear’s habitat. With all the Arctic animals around industrial impacts, they have a chance of dying out aswell (“Polar Bear”).
Furthermore, polar bears are getting harmed is because of human and polar bear conflicts. In the Arctic Circle, humans are illegally hunting polar bears (unsustainable hunting). Workers that work in the Arctic may encounter a polar bear and that might not end well for both the human and polar bear (“Polar Bear”). Moreover, what humans can do to stop this is just not illegally hunting. Even though polar bears may seem dangerous, if you leave them alone, they will not harm you. That is something we can control by just steering clear of polar bears also not hunting them (“Polar Bear

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