
Why Europeans Went To Africa In The 1400's

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the past? In the 1400’s, one of the major things that happened is the Europeans going to Africa. They went to Africa for many different reasons include slave trade and for materials. From doing that it also had many affects on Africa, not necessarily in a good way. Some of these things still have effect on Africa today. In the 1400’s, Europeans went to Africa. One reason why they went to Africa is for slave trade. What they would do is capture African-Americans that lived in Africa and take them away from their home to other places and sell them for work. Many Africans were captured and traded, there were about 10-12 million of the Africans that were forced into slavery. Age wise, the Europeans normally took the 18-30 year old men because they were the strongest and were also young so they could work for a long time. The Europeans also went to Africa for other reasons such as for raw materials. Some examples of raw …show more content…

After they moved, Africans started to be mistreated. The Europeans would treat them poorly and rip their families apart for slave trade. Many of the people would get sold and have to leave the little ones and their own children behind to fend for themselves, even if they could barely walk. Many families got broken up and never got to see each other again. As well as the Africans being mistreated, the Europeans also started to spread disease throughout Africa. Many people got very sick and started to die. Many Africans also died on the boats to be sold and by the time they got to their destination, many of the slaves had died from sickness or not eating. If and African didn’t die from sickness, their owners normally weren’t very nice so they would get punished if they did something wrong by being wiped or not being fed. The Europeans had some major effects on Africa, even some are still going on

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