Why I Chose College Essay

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In college, I would like to study fermentation science and sustainable agriculture, and obtain a master’s degree. In the honors college, I would be able to prepare for a higher level of schooling in order to make that goal much easier to obtain. The smaller classes with people who care about their education as much as I do would provide the perfect environment for me to grow as an intellectual. As much as I would like to get out and work in the agricultural field, I would also like to conduct research to contribute to the advancement of the agricultural knowledge base. In college, I would also like to study abroad. This would provide me with the knowledge of agriculture and environments in other parts of the world. Coming out of college, I would like use my education to make an impact on people in developing countries and acquire a job where I can actively help others. …show more content…

One of my major personal goals is to join the peace corps after I have graduated college. In the peace corps, I will educate members of developing countries about the necessary skills they need to sustain agriculture in their communities. Through FFA, I have realized that the end to world hunger is through education and knowledge of agricultural practices. By being a part of the honors college, I will be able to have a deeper knowledge of my major and other subjects which I can use to help me teach and aid others. Participating in the honors college would help me learn how to conduct effective research and talk about it with others. In other countries, I may need to find different ways to solve agricultural issues based on location and resources. By learning how to talk with others on a deeper educational level, I will be more prepared to do