Why I Chose College Essay

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Malcom X once said, “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” Most students in the United States have spent twelve years preparing to go to college. I’m included in that majority and I want to utilize my education to pursue a career. College is a stepping stone that transitions students from high school to the adult world. I believe that college is a transition that will offer the criteria I need to become a screenwriter and a professional writer. I am a student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette completing a bachelor’s degree in Moving Image Arts with a minor in Professional Writing. My educational aspirations include graduating and continuing my studies in Professional Writing that will assist me in pursuing a writing career. In addition, my vision is to one day provide entertainment and provoke conservation within communities about current issues through writing and film, with the help of my college degree, I will take advantage of every opportunity to achieve my career goals. I want to be in college because it will develop my skills and mindset to pursue my career, contribute to communicating and spreading …show more content…

The writing industries are looking for qualified people with a college degree with the skills to communicate. I decided that I will attain a career as a writer since I have always had a desire for entertaining and informing people through communication. As I pursue my career, my talent isn’t limited to only business writing, but also academic, creative, and technical writing. I strongly believe to become an excellent writer one should be well versed in more than just one skill. After developing my skills, it will give me with the opportunity to communicate with larger