Why I Want To Pursue An Internal Scholarships Essay

852 Words4 Pages

Anvir Dhaliwal
Jan. 12, 2016
Internal Scholarships Essay I believe that I possess the qualities required to be an ideal candidate for the following scholarships; École Panorama Ridge Commencement Committee Scholarship, École Panorama Ridge Parent Advisory Committee Scholarship, École Panorama Ridge Principal’s Scholarship, Surrey Principals and Vice-Principal’s Association Scholarship, as well as the Artona Scholarship. I am a hardworking and dedicated student which has resulted in a high academic standing, and excellent work habits. I have also been volunteering inside and outside school, to gain experience when I have the time. I am applying to these scholarships, as I intend to attend either University of British Columbia, or Simon Fraser …show more content…

I have high expectations for myself, and work hard to achieve excellent academic scores. I have worked hard to ensure that my grade don’t fluctuate and have challenged myself by taking two Advanced Placement Courses this year. I am currently enrolled in Advanced Placement Calculus AB and Advanced Placement Biology. I have my goals set out for me, and I know what work I must put in to achieve my goals. I always put in my best effort, I don’t complete my work half-heartedly. I work towards good grades, because not only do I have high expectations for myself, but my family also does. My parents never had the chance to attend post-secondary and further their educations, as they had immigrated to Canada from India, and didn’t have the money to pay for post-secondary in Canada, and they had to start working right away to settle in. My parents want for me to have all the opportunities that they were unable to have. I wish to excel in high school and post-secondary as my parents want this for me, just as much as I do for myself. My marks generally range from 80-90s, I have been able to keep my marks up, while having a part-time job, as I have gotten a lot better at balancing and time