Why I Want To Pursue The Spanish Immersion Program At University Of Michigan

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The College of Literature, Sciences, and the Arts at University of Michigan has so much to offer, as do the specific programs I am interested in. I have studied the Spanish language for 13 years through the Spanish Immersion Program. My knowledge of Spanish has become invaluable, and I hope to strengthen my Spanish at University of Michigan and learn to use it alongside my career. University of Michigan’s foreign language program was ranked top 10 in 2015 by “Foreign Language Colleges.” The classes “Spanish for the Professions: Medical or Business” that Michigan offers would definitely help me achieve this goal. The jargon needed for medicine is so specific that a class dedicated to learning the vocabulary and structure is essential. Additionally, I am interested in the research that Professor Teresa Satterfield is doing regarding bilingualism in children due to the fact that I have been bilingual since kindergarten. However, she is studying native spanish speakers learning English as their second language and I learned Spanish as my second language. I think it would be interesting to see what her data demonstrates in comparison to what I have experienced. I would love the opportunity to take one …show more content…

Michigan’s undergraduate program in biology would provide me with a solid background in this field. The university has more than 1,400 undergraduate students involved in research partnerships with more than 800 faculty members and is the #1 Public Research University according to the Natural Science Foundation. For me, a vital part of my college education includes the ability to perform research as an undergraduate. Another part of the biology program at Michigan that intrigues me is the “Student Society for Stem Cell Research (SSRC)”. As someone interested in medical research, a club like this would be a great way for me to learn about the scientific advancements in the field of disease

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