Why Is Being Scared So Much Fun?
In English class we read an article called Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear
written by Allegra Ringo,from The Atlantic magazine. It is about, humans and why we
love to be scared or why we don't like to be scared. The concept is very interesting,
because it is weird that humans enjoy the thrill of someone jumping out at them or
seeing something awful and terrifying. The main question people wounded is how and
why we enjoy or don't enjoy this rush of energy when we are scared. The answers are
not exactly all the way figured out, but we do know some information. In our bodies we
have these chemicals, hormones, that produces different forms
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We didn't
know who he was and what to do. We were freaked out, so we called her mom and she
said go to the back room and stay there and to let the dog out into the living room. We
them let her dog, Boo, into the living room and she went crazy. She kept barking until
the guy finally got scared and left, she sounds scary but she really isn't. So I definitely
think theme parks and be scary when it comes to stuff tat relate to what happened to
Megan and I.
I think things that violate the law of nature scare us, because it is not normal.
When company makes something that isn't normal for humans we are so curious about
it. If a company makes a zombie movie or theme park. It can be scary, because when
we die we don't turn into zombies. It can be funny, exciting, and scary all at the same
time. So even though it may violate the laws of nature. I think the should still price
content like this.
I think we have only started to scare each other as we do now, because as our
society grows so do our ideas. Some are good ideas and some are bad ideas. I think
that once one person made a scary film, and everyone loved it. More