
Why Is Constructive Feedback Important To Work

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When you work together in a team effectively you are able to do more than you would alone. It’s easier to solve tasks as many minds are focused on a common goal. There is much more creativity when working in a group, a range of people have different ideas and can merge them with other ideas from the group. People share their knowledge and learn new skills from team members. All members bring individual talents to the group and combine them to work effectively. Trust gets built between members as they have to rely on the whole group to get the job done, you must be comfortable with the group to be able to share ideas.

Constructive feedback is criticism that will help someone improve and let them know that you support them. To give constructive feedback you must be as specific as possible to help point the person in the right direction. Talk about things that they can improve not things that can’t be changed. The feedback will help employees know the positive and negative things they are doing. Constructive criticism helps me in the work place as it tells me what I am doing wrong and how to improve what I am doing so it is correct.

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If people join in on a small conflict it can soon escalate and create tension in the group making it difficult to work. Whereas if the conflict is quickly solved through comprising it can make team members more comfortable with each other and realise that a little conflict can be good as long as it is dealt with correctly. To resolve a conflict you must realise that different viewpoints is a good thing, everyone must be involved in solving it and then you will be able to reach an appropriate

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