
Why Is Dna Important

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DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the most important thing that makes us the way we are today. DNA is mostly stored inside the nucleus of our cells but some of it lies in the mitochondria of our cells too. The most important ability of DNA is that it has the ability to replicate quickly since our body is always going through cell division and every cell needs a strand of it.DNA was first discovered in the 1860’s by a swiss chemist known as Johann Friedrich Miescher. Like every other discovery on Earth, Miescher found DNA completely on accident. He was studying what white blood cells were made of at the time of discovery. While carrying out experiments, Miescher realised that there was a mysterious substance that separated from the rest of the cell. Once he discovered this substance he called it nuclein because he thought that it came from the cell’s nucleus. …show more content…

These four bases are called guanine, thymine, adenine, and cytosine. However, these bases can not just pair to anyone they want. They make up a two-stranded molecule that twists and makes a double helix shape. The idea of the double helix was created by scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick. They looked at x-rays of DNA thanks to Rosalind Franklin and they noticed that it was shaped like an “x”. The two strands of the helix are antiparallel and they are connected by the bases thanks to a hydrogen bond. Only adenine can pair up with thymine and only guanine can pair up with cytosine or vice versa. The amount of each base inside every human is almost the same amount (about 3.2 billion bases) but different animals have different amounts. The significance of these amounts is that it determines the information that your body will be able to use to know how to maintain your body. Scientists can use DNA to make exact copies of organisms, called

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