Comparative Analysis Of Code Of Ethics

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This report is about comparative analysis of the given question ‘Do an accountant need to be ethical?’ This comparative analysis report includes comparison and contrast among the relatable sources used, explained accordingly and the list of references. Simply ethics is a code of fundamental principles so accounting professionals can demonstrate honesty and fairness to maintain the public trust and profession. This comparative analysis report compares and contrasts on how code of conduct or ethics are used, relation with accountants in different cases and sources to support the argument.

Source 1: Code of Ethics Pages- Code of Ethics.[online] Available at: …show more content…

Weed, G. (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Dec. 2017].

This website is about how variety of reasons exist to have proper ethics and ethical behavior. The explanation is also about how the accounting profession is related to sensitive information of each individuals, their clients such as social security or bank account numbers. And this website has observed how being ethical in accounting can give a power to accountant to maintain trust between their clients which cannot be abused.

Ethical and unethical
There is variety of reasons to have proper ethics and ethical behaviour. Accounting profession is related to sensitive information of each individual, their clients such as social security or bank account numbers. To be ethical in accounting can give a power to accountant to maintain trust between their clients which cannot be abused. Poor ethics in accounting results a lag in …show more content…

This also explains not only accountant but also management also become unethical if there will be some gain.

Importance of ethics in management and accounting
Each day accountant has to deal with the management just to show the false report of the certain organization. It is unethical to pressure accountant to produce the false report just to maintain the reputation of the business. And it is also unethical to deliberately falsifying its results to hide the cyclical nature if business.

As a whole this source tries to explain about how the management is pressuring accountant to conduct the false information just for personal gain. As this source shows a part that the accountant are not ethical for their own gain but because of the pressure from management.

Source 6: Ethical issue facing by the accounting profession
Lister, J. (2017). Ethical Issues Facing the Accounting Profession. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017].