Why Is Food Labeling An Issue?

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Why is food labeling an issue? What are the laws to label foods? How should they be changed? These are questions that are getting asked by so many people. When we go to the grocery store and look at the labels do we really know what we are reading? Most people think they know what all the terms mean, but they are mistaken.
Why are people so confused? A lot of the labels do not have a definition that everybody can understand or they might not have a definition at all. A lot of companies use words or labels to attract their buyers. When people see the word natural they immediately think that there are no chemicals added or that is has not been harshly processed, but that is not the case. All most all labels that claim to be natural are not natural at all. “In fact, for processed foods, that term has no clear meaning and is not regulated by any agency” (Rock). …show more content…

The reason being, products that are all natural will have the term “organic” on them, so the buyer knows that that there have not been any chemicals added to it. Therefore, if it is not organic it does not need a label and the buyer should know that the product is not “natural” and chemicals have been added. I just think putting the word “natural” on food products I completely unnecessary. According to the Consumer Report “for foods regulated by the FDA, we believe the “natural” label should be reserved for foods that are organic and contain no artificial ingredients” (Rock). Companies should not be allowed to put these kinds of labels to attract buyers. If they cannot give a meaningful reason for the label they should not put it on the