Why Is It Important To Go To College Essay

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I believe in today’s society you need a college degree, whether it is an Associate degree or a Master’s degree, I believe you need one. Our generation is creating never before seen items and breaking all barriers every set in their way. These young adults can do this because they furthered their own education and bettered themselves for the future. Now, if we stop pushing kids to go to college and further their education we will not continue to break barriers. We will stay in the same spot or. even worse, we may begin to decline. As our generations grow older and new ones begin to go to school we need to show them why we believe college is an amazing opportunity and everyone has a chance to go. Everyone needs to know they have a chance to be …show more content…

BETTER Education. You will be taught by some of the world’s best professors. These professors will help lead you to discovering some of the best things in your own brain. They will show you the ways to better yourself and then let you free to do it on your own. With better education also comes better jobs and a better lifestyle. One of the things I do not think they mention when some people will tell you that you do not need more education is that you will have a trying time when it comes to moving up. Let’s say you have worked for a company for 5 years, ever since high school, and now they are looking for a manager. You obviously know the company very well and have worked hard every day you have been there, so you apply. You would think you have one of the best chances but, you do not. Nine times out of ten if someone who has never seen the company comes in and they have a two or four-year degree in anything similar to the position they will get the job. Why? Although it may seem unfair it is because they have a college degree and experience. Having a degree will help you compete for these jobs and may even lead you to be one of the top dogs at these