What is College for? People will always question if going to college is worth it. They will question it because they know the risk of being debt from student loans and not knowing if they would be able to obtain a job after graduating. These people aren’t willing to risk this which is preventing them to see the value of a higher education. I see college as acquiring the opportunity to have a higher earning wage, enhance our skills, and having better career choices and its value to me, families and the community. Knowing that student debt has reached $1 trillion will discourage many to not want to go to college. Thinking will they make enough money to pay of the loans taken out. But in reality it will cost more to not go to college. In the …show more content…
Employers seek people with college degrees even if that job is unrelated to the degree earned because they prefer someone with college education rather than someone with just a high school education. Not saying a high school graduates cannot get a job but they will start at entry level positions where maybe no skills is needed. Whereas a college graduate can be better prepared for a high paying entry level job. As seen in Gutting’s article What is College for? there was evidence that showed that going to college for was beneficial, “55 percent claimed that “it was very useful in helping prepare them for a job or career.” Not only does going to college help find a career, but a career they’ll be satisfied with. Roth states from his article Learning as Freedom. College should give everyone the chance to enhance their abilities. Many people in society think they aren’t smart enough for college, but like Roth said in his article “nobody is an expert on everything. He emphasized “plasticity,” an openness to being shaped by experience.” And that’s just what college is learning to think intellectually, opening your mind to new ideas not just in class but through experience outside of class while in college. Something I agree with that Gary Gutting says in his article What is College for? “Our support for higher education makes sense only if we regard this intellectual culture as essential to our society.” Yes, it