
Persuasive Essay: Why College Is Worth It

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Dajanae McKinney Mrs. Dzik AP Lang 9 February 2017 Why College is Worth it So far throughout most of our lives all we’ve known is school. We’ve practically grown up with the idea that education is the key to success branded into our minds. Now, as the job market is changing and the prices for attending a college or university rise up, many people have begun to question whether or not furthering their education after high school is even worth it. Many figure that they could succeed in life without a degree and make as much, if not more, money than someone with one. Although those who figure that aren’t entirely wrong, but to what extent can they actually rely on their high school diploma before they fall down the economic ladder? A high school …show more content…

While attending college you acquire a broad range of general skills and it presents many unexpected opportunities to you that aren’t always an option for people with a high school diploma such as an internship in your desired career field with hands-on training. According to Dan Greenstein and Jamie Merisotis “an education is the chief American institution that promotes economic and social mobility for all citizens.”Studies have shown that the unemployment rate for Americans with a bachelor's degree is much smaller than the unemployment rate for Americans with no education beyond a high school diploma. The recent Labor Department statistics confirm, the unemployment rate is at least twice as high for 25 to 29-year-olds with only a high school degree than it is for those who have a four-year college degree. In today’s society having only a high school diploma almost immediately puts you at a disadvantage in most situations because employment options are decreasing. High school graduates are not as employable as a college graduates because a college graduate is more advance and they tend to have skills that allow them to qualify for a wide range of employment in fields that offer more upward mobility. Which is why it is important to expand your education so that you are able to experience those opportunities available out there that could potentially pave a path to your desired

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