Persuasive Essay About Going To High School

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High school seniors have a very large decision to make. This decision will impact their lives for the better or worse. It will be whether or not they want to attend college or possibly go down a different path. The decision to go to college will be made by about 70 percent of other students that are just graduating high school. Most of these students will be wracked with the exact same dilemma. They will begin to ask themselves, “Does college define success?”. Many people have asked this same question and have learned either way with yes it does, or no it does not. Going to college and getting a degree does not define success in a career. Today within the world only about 27 percent of college graduates are getting jobs that directly relate to their major. That means that of the 20 million students that enrolled in college for 2017, only about 5-6 million will be getting a job that relates to what they majored in. That is much different than in the past …show more content…

Steve Jobs the founder of Apple, a multi-billion dollar company, did not go to college, and he became a billionaire. Another hugely successful businessman and founder of the worldwide company Microsoft was Bill Gates. Bill Gates attended Harvard but then dropped out before he finished and thus has no college diploma. These are two widely successful and extremely wealthy businessman. There is no college degree between the two of them and they are a direct representation that college is not needed for success. The college education meant nothing to them, as it didn’t define the success that they would gain. Some people will say that these two businessmen are the exception and not the rule. They gained their success through hard work and nothing else. The degree means nothing, it was all their work ethic and that is all that is needed to be successful just like them. They had the work ethic to be successful, so they were successful.