Why Is It Important To Have Drug Testing Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever regretted a decision you have made? It's inevitable that I have had several idiotic encounters. This does not establish me being an inferior person. All it proves is that I am human. I'm allowed to make mistakes after all, and you are too. The importance of having the ability to make mistakes is you can acquire new knowledge from them. Schools are wanting to be allowed to execute random drug testing. This is preposterous in too many ways to count. Starting with, results are delayed to the point where things cannot be fixed. Not only that, but it invades people's privacy. It also wastes valuable funds that could go to better causes. In a few moments you will see how testing for narcotics is counterproductive. To begin with, drug tests take too long to be productive. As nlcatp.org claims, "Drug tests are not instantaneous. They often take days to weeks to process, meaning that if a student is having a problem, it may already be solved before the district can do something about it." Adding to that statement, it could also be too late to undertake this problem. What many people forget is that drugs are a highly addictive substance. It is explicit to every mortal that manipulating medication without care is dangerous. …show more content…

However, through examination by Lloyd D. Johnston he found that it really is not and impact from drug testing as practiced. This manner suggests that the invasion, budget cuts, and endless funding does nothing. Other things such as educating others about the dangers of drugs leads others more on the right path. Those who get caught for drug testing are not as addicted as those who don't. Ones who do not plan on ever stopping using marijuana can cheat the test. Subjects who are not aware of putting clean urine in a container and using it as their own do not need help. If they know how to scam the system, and don't get caught they need