Arguments Against RSDT

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Random Student Drug Testing (RSDT) has become a nationally known activity. Children and teens are dropping out of school and dying from drug abuse. This resource helps reassure the child’s parent/guardian that their child is making good choices and staying away from drugs and alcohol. Do people agree with RSDT, or do they think it should stop? Do they think it is fair? Many people agree with the idea of RSDT. In fact, on a survey taken as author Dupont states “ almost half (43.3%) reported that RSDT was a good idea.” This program/idea is a solution to to most of the problems as to why students are failing high school. Students should not have to suffer from addiction. In another survey taken by author Dupont “ 43.3% considered …show more content…

The pride survey is also nationally known and nationally used because it is a form of RSDT. In fact, as stated by author Kyle Barrington, it is so popular that “ A total of 1,048 students participated ” in these

Workman 2 programs. RSDT had already spread to the UK by 2004, as author Dupont states, “ In 2004 , the Abbey school…. Became the the first in the UK to conduct RSDT. RSDT has had an impact on students and helped them to believe it will encourage other students to stop using and abusing drugs. According to author Robert L Dupont, a study of information shows that “ almost half (45.4%) reported that RSDT would be an effectively good idea.” People also agree that it is an infringement of students rights but also believe that is is still a great resolution for the problem.Author Dana Hawkings quotes herself stating that “ if we can save one kid from being maimed or killed by drugs….. It’s worth the infringement of their …show more content…

In an article written by Robert L Dupont, Dupont states that “ fewer than 20 schools in the country tested students for drugs and alcohol.” Another con about RSDT is that it is overly expensive. In schools, there is a lot of funding for clubs, organizations, and elective classes, but with a lot of the schools money going to the RSDT program, they will not have enough funds to cover the clubs and such. In yet another article written by author Robert L Dupont he states that “ RSDT programs are cost-prohibitive