Why Is It Important To Raise Teenagers?

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Everywhere you look, like on face book, twitter and Dr. Phil, teenagers are getting a bad rap. They are deemed, the rude teenager, the deserving ungrateful teenager, or the lazy teenager. Although in many cases I agree this is true, my questions are...Who raised these teenagers? Is there anything parents can do to change it? And if there was, do the parents really want to know the answer? Parenting skills are developed through how an individual is raised by their parents. Other ways parents may develop their parenting skills may be through parenting articles, parenting programs and parenting workshops. Pro-active parents will reach out and find parenting solutions when they are raising kids. Otherwise, it is just like hatching an egg and then …show more content…

I know it is important for you to have your teenager help around the house, go to school and have a good attitude. It is also important to many parents to have their children be happy and to do this they buy them expensive gifts, vacations and family outings which the parent believes the teenager desires to have. By not finding out what is actually important for the teenager and then trusting in them enough to earn it on their own, the teenager actually feels like they are being bought and they begin to doubt in their own abilities. Worse yet, the brain develops in a welfare system mentality and they never learn the skills on their own to maintain the lifestyle you offer when they become an …show more content…

It is easy to discover what is important to your teenager by the things they are asking for, "Mom, can I have a sleepover?" Excellent! You have ammunition to have your daughter cooperate with you exactly the way you choose but it will be by her choice. When you stick to your guns on this you will experience some ridicule, then violent opposition and then finally your teenager will accept you with self evidence when they discover you do believe in them and they will begin to believe in their own abilities to create good things in their