Why Is It Important To Use Wikipedia's Golden Website?

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Wikipedia is like a golden website for all the companies and organizations. This is because Wikipedia enjoys a special position in the google search engine results. Whatever you type into google, if the keyword has a Wikipedia page, it is going to come up in the top 5 search results.

In order to reduce spamming and misusing this authoritative site, google updated their search engine algorithm and made all the external links that were referenced in Wikipedia page as no-follow. Thus the spammers were no longer able to enjoy the traffic juice that this website used to drive with the external links.

Despite this negative setback, having Wikipedia page is a major Search engine optimization goal for all the companies and organizations waiting to …show more content…

Visitors are presented with figures backed up by solid proofs and survey results. You can link them back to your website through Wikipedia page.

Having a Wikipedia page also increases the search engine optimization. Wikipedia is google's best friend and no matter how the page is a writer, the site is guaranteed to come up in first 5 search results. This improves the sales and profit figures of your company. There are many cases where people first visit your Wikipedia page and read the information and details related to your brand. Visit the backlink provided by you and then make the final decision whether or not to purchase the product.

These are the main reasons to have a Wikipedia page exclusively for your brand and company. But there are a few reasons to reconsider this decision. The first factor is that Wikipedia can be edited by any of the contributors without your notice. For example, if you have a bad or disappointing deal with a customer, he can edit the article written on Wikipedia and add his perspective to it. You cannot delete or edit these negative reviews because editing these negative and real life reviews are prohibited by Wikipedia admins. If you do there is a 90% chance that you are going to end up with a permanent account ban. Don't ever try to approach Wikipedia as a promotional tool. It is not a marketing place to showcase your products and feature. It is more like an encyclopedia which wants to only tell the truth no matter how bitter and demeaning it is for the brand. There can be also cases where negative edits are done purposefully to bring a negative rep for your