Why Is It Necessary To Improve Vo2max?

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The ACSM position stand on the quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and neuromotor fitness in apparently healthy adults establishes that the increase is strength is one of the numerous biomarker changes due to resistance training. Some of the other changes include improvements in metabolic syndrome, body composition, muscle strength and mass, blood glucose levels, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure. It is noted that individuals with osteoporosis may potentially slow or reverse the loss of bone mass as the bones stressed during the resistance training experience improvement in bone mass, strength and density while reducing discomfort and disability. In addition, those who suffer …show more content…

Ultimately improving physiological aspects and VO2max. Intensities reaching maximal VO2max are necessary to improve VO2max in professional athletes. While moderately trained athletes experience improvements upon reaching 70% to 80%. In conclusion, the intensity threshold varies with the individuals’ level. There are some studies which suggest reaching an intensity threshold may cause changes in HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Other studies suggest exercise intensity does not influence the loss of body weight or fat storage. Limited evidence is presented for both. PART TWO

Children and adolescents are recommended to get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise everyday. In the United States the prevalence of meeting this guideline of physical activity in children ages six to eleven years old is 42% and twelve through nineteen year olds is only 8%. Physical inactivity remains a public concert. Inactivity is transferable from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. Numerous efforts are directed at reducing age related participation decline. The lack of children and adolescent participation of moderate to vigorous intensity physical therapy, resistance

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