
Why Is John F Kennedy Important

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On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into the White House. He then began what might be consider a very lasting legacy that could be considered a successful time for the United States. JFK had been involved in many situations and did the best that he could do in most of them. The first example takes place in October of 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was considered one of the most terrifying situations Kennedy occurred during his presidency. Once the U.S received information that the Soviets had entered Cuba, they began keeping a very close eye on Cuba and had U.S planes taking photographs of Cuba’s long-range missiles. JFK confronted Cuba and the Soviets and made a deal that if the Soviets dismantled their weapons the U.S would not invade. Kennedy remained calm a prevented an explosion that would take out at least half of the country. He had saved the U.S and was very strong headed while doing it as well as hide any fear that he could have had. He put on a strong face for his nation and brought us through the rough time. …show more content…

Kennedy funded the program and young Americans would volunteer to go assist the nations who requested help. By 1963, thousands of Americans were helping in over 30 different countries. To this day, the Peace Corps still travel the globe helping nations in need. This is all thanks to JFK who created and started the funding for the Peace Corps. Not only did he care about the United States, he cared about people, people of all races and from all over. He would always offer the help of the United States, no matter the

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