Why Is The Movie Important To The History Of The United States

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The history of America has always been of great importance to humanity because of their ideologies, like Neo-liberalism, Nationalism and union. The American Civil War was a bloody movement that was of extreme importance to the history of the United States because, as the movie said, they held the human dignity destiny in their hands when Abraham Lincoln proposed the 13th amendment in which he would abolish slavery forever, changing the life of millions of Negroes. In this movie, we can see how a difficult task it was for Abraham Lincoln trying to collect votes from both the Republic and Democratic parties in order to achieve the 13th Amendment acceptance to the Constitution.
For many years, the Southern economy was mainly based on really big plantations that were worked by black people, slaves. Americans saw this as a normal because slavery had been there since long time ago, but it was Lincoln who started wondering if this was right, if white and black people truly weren´t equals. It was interesting when he mentioned that …show more content…

One said that the Congress shouldn´t declare as equals those who God created unequal. I got surprised of how they truly believed that even God created white and black men different, so it was really noticeable how much they were against equality and believed that they weren´t the same. Another idea that really caught my attention was the Euclid´s first common notion, the one that uses Lincoln to say that we should all be considered as equals. This notion establishes that things which are equal to the same things are equal to each other. He uses this axiom with humans when saying that that if two humans are equal to the same thing (humanity), then these two humans are equal, or another way of seeing it will be that if two human beings are equal, it means that the third human is equal too. It really caught my attention Lincoln´s rational perspective on