Why Is The Templo Mayor Important

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The Templo Mayor
The Templo Mayor was the most important building to the Mexica peoples. Built in stages over many years, it was a place of worship, sacrifice and also played a significant social-political role to the Aztecs civilizations. Located in the center of Tenochtitlan, what was at that time the capital of the Aztec Empire, and now Mexico City, the Aztecs built an impressive Pyramid with twin temples. This temple has allowed us to have some insight into the lives of the Aztec people. Various people have committed years in attempting to discern these pyramids. In this paper, the studies of Eduardo Moctezuma and Cecilia F. Klein will be juxtaposed and differentiated.
The Templo Mayor had two buildings and a ball court and initiated in 1325. It is believed that the Templo Mayor was about ninety feet tall. Surrounded by a snake wall, The Templo Mayor was built in the center, where the …show more content…

It was a place in which traditions and order where crucial for a prosperous civilization. The Aztec's religious beliefs had a monumental influence in their creation of The Templo Mayor, essentially every single part of the temple served a purpose. The three most important feature's , where those that payed tribute to their gods and their origin myth. The Twin temples served many purposes, but probably the most important was to serve as an explanation of what happens on a daily basis, the victory of the sun versus the night. It also serves as a reminder of their origin while also serves as a religious preincenct. Similarly, the statue of Coyoolxauhqui was important not simply because it was a reminder of the origin myth, but also because she played a role as the first sacrifice. Once can argue that she was very important in Aztec Civilization because she became a symbol for many things. She was a constant reminder that through destruction comes