Why Is Thomas Jefferson Name Named After A School

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In Council Bluffs Community School District there are 15 schools. Those schools are named after explorers, Founding Fathers, presidents, A poet, Inventors, and former principal for the district. Thomas Jefferson High School was founded in 1922. After 100 years, people are questioning the wisdom of sending students of varied cultures to a school named after a slave owner. My belief is that Council Bluffs should have a school named after Thomas Jefferson. He believed in education, independence, and was a founding father. The first reason saying why Thomas Jefferson should have his name named after a school is because he deserved it he was a hard worker. He did a lot of things for people and helped as much as he could he had some conflicts …show more content…

He knew a lot of things and education was very important to him but he also tried to learn more to help others. He tried to be as best as he could be during his career to help others. In the article Jefferson as Secretary of State it says ¨The first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, who held the position from March 22, 1790, through December 31, 1793. Jefferson had a lengthy career managing American foreign policy, bringing to it great talents. He was able to strike a balance between his ambition for U.S. territorial and commercial growth and his concern over the overreaching federal government's power.¨ In the evidence, it shows how talented and smart he was and he helped a lot of people by being talented. He did more than people think and we need to realize how much he impacted everyone some of the stuff he did help more than others but it all impacted us in a positive …show more content…

Thomas trying hard to find out more stuff and help is showing he cares enough to do so. Not every president tries to help and figure out the best solution some give up or don't care enough. In the article Thomas Jefferson and proposal to ban slavery in the Northwest Territory, it says ¨Jefferson was one of the first statesmen to act to eradicate slavery early in his public career. He introduced a Virginia statute outlawing the importing of African slaves in 1778. He recommended a prohibition on slavery in the newly acquired Northwest Territory, which the British had given up in 1783. He suggested a strategy for gradual emancipation in Notes on the State of Virginia, which was published in 1785. However, he remained mute in public after 1785 while maintaining his belief in the unfairness of slavery.¨ In the evidence shows his suggestion of trying to find the best strategy and solution which is a good president knowing he cares. I think he gets appreciation but he deserves a whole lot more for the way he has impacted everyone's