Why Is Tom Robinson A Typical Place For The Night Of Prejudice

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2. In chapter 19 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson is called to witness the events that happened the night of the rape. He was sweaty and nervous during his questioning and was even more nervous when Mr. Gilmer pointed out the fact that Tom felt sorry for Mayella. It says in the book that saying that was the worst thing he could have said because a black man, which was the lowest class in society, having sympathy for a white woman was a disgrace to the family. In chapter 24, aunt Alexandra says “The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only” (Page 270). Tom knew that he had a slim chance of going free because he was black and the people convicting him didn’t see the problem with the logic. 4. Maycomb is a very typical place for the time period it is in. It is a small and quiet town where everyone knows each other. Maycomb is also a very prejudiced and racist place. The case of Tom Robinson pushes people to their most uncomfortable limits when it comes to …show more content…

Scout comes home from school asking Atticus and Jem about Hitler after her third grade teacher mentioned how terrible he was. Miss Gates says that “Over here, we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. Pre-ju-dice,” (Page 281). She is being hypocritical because Scout heard her say a different kind of thing at the Courthouse. She said “It’s time somebody taught ‘em a lesson, they were gettin’ way above themselves, an’ the next thing they think they can do is marry us” (Page 283). Scout then asks Jem “How can you hate Hitler so bad an’ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home–”. The question Scout raises is about how people can be so terrible to their own neighbors, but feel sorry for the ones across the world. Scout is also trying to make the point to Jem that Miss Gates is no better than Hitler, for she has the same mindset as him. They are one in the same, but only Hitler holds the power to do what he