
Why Schools Should Not Have Dress Code

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Why Grandview Should Not Have A Dress Code.
School is where kids go to learn, they should not have to worry about having to wear the right clothes to have to go to school. Some clothing rules are appropriate but, the school should not be able to decide how they look. Kids should be able to express themselves at school. They should feel that school is a safe place and they should feel protected. They should be able to wear what they want and express themselves at school. Schools should not have a dress code because, students would not be able to express themselves, they can be quite expensive, and there have been no facts that dress codes made misbehavior and inappropriate conduct go down.
Shirts, pants, socks, and shoes add up quickly so it is not a surprise to find that the average cost of the four can be up to $249. Dress codes can be expensive for the parents. All the prices can add up quite quickly. Schools with dress codes usually have low attendance and high-dropping out rate (link 6). There are also no facts that discipline go down with schools that have a dress code. …show more content…

Wearing khakis and a polo can be very uncomfortable if they wear them everyday. Changing to a dress code can be difficult for the students. It can be just as difficult for the teachers. Seamus, a 16 year old transgender boy, stated, “sitting in a blouse and skirt all day made me feel insanely anxious. I was not taken seriously. This is atrocious and damaging to a young person's mental health; that uniform nearly destroyed me”(link 2). George Carlin asked “Don’t these schools do enough damage, making all these children think alike? Now there gonna make them look alike too”(Link

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