Why Should Banned Books Be Banned In Schools

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Banned books in the classroom Banned books there are plenty of them in the United States of America, and some schools can‘t read books we have read here at our school. How would you feel if maybe one of your favorite books was banned and say you couldn’t share it with your friends to enjoy and learn from, or books that are used in the classroom one year and not the next. When it comes to banned books and such we need to look at what banned books are with also what challenged books are and what their difference is. What are some of the cases that have come about with banned books and challenged books in schools, and why they were banned and challenged, what can we do to be the help of banned books in the classroom, and also what we can do about …show more content…

Maybe there is some swearing or foul language of some sort. To people, this might just not make sense because of the fact that teens probably have already heard and maybe started using these words.(Breslin) When it comes to extracurricular clubs some universities have book clubs and one of the popular ones includes a banned books club. This can be seen as in that a student, a teen, and a person in general, are interested in reading banned books.(Elliott) When a college was using a book as a requirement some of the students decided to not read it due to some of the things that the book had in it. The writer Keane said, “Surely those college students have seen 10 billion images more obscene on the side of a bus than the few raw or suggestive drawings in the book.” The author also said other important things about this book and they are “We have just found new and different offenses to be outraged by, and most of them can be found in the books we teach.” and also “An unfortunate commonplace in our educational institution these days is the notion that students must be protected from certain literature because it could damage them or trigger hidden traumas.” These quotes are so true in the sense that these students need to learn about some of these topics even though they may not be comfortable with it because it may be a part of society that they need to become more …show more content…

When it comes to the teaching about banned books and such the teacher can also provide information such as a website for example so that the students can use it to learn more about banned books and become more aware of the topic. Something else along with that includes giving instances in which books have or have been tried for being banned.(Linder) When also showing these books to students and introducing them to these books it could expose them to different viewpoints and ideas on different topics. (Breslin) These books may also have something for us to learn about or understand like the author of one of the articles Liz Breslin said about reading the book Into the River by Ted Dawe and she said “Anyway, I like the contextual irony of almost the last conversation in the currently banned book. It starts like this:
“Life’s not complicated; it’s just a series of choices between right and wrong.” So Mr Faull says to Devon on page 278.
Maybe Devon’s got it dialled. Maybe not. It’d be good to read it, perhaps, and find out. Here’s how he replies: “There is freedom and then there is everything else.” The thing that I personally think is good about this statement from a banned book is the fact that there very straight to the point, and especially