
Why Should Students Be Required To Attend Classes

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I have been a college student for three semesters, and I feel that I learn on a much more sophisticated level when attending classroom sessions. Currently, I am taking a science class, and I learn much more attending the class than from the textbook. However, many people think that students should not be required to attend class. Consequently, this raises the question, should students be required to attend class? Not surprisingly, classroom attendance has been debated back and forth. The issue has many sides, and with the steadily climbing online class rate, many students feel that there is no need for them to attend. Nevertheless, learning in a classroom has many advantages that playing hooky does not. For instance, meeting a professor face to face, and catching up with friends are a very small part of the myriad of advantages being offered by actually going to a class, and I feel that benefits of attending class outweigh the advantages of staying home. …show more content…

For instance, when a professor is talking, students need to pay attention to what he/she is saying because the professor could say something critical at any moment. Also, a professor might throw in information on what is and is not going to be on a test, and if a student decides to not attend, he/she is going to miss the critical information. Also, some professors are not very text book oriented, so it is important to attend class and listen to the professor because if not, the students will not learn the information they need to pass the

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