Why Should Sugary Drinks Be Allowed In Schools

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I disagree with the schools that would only sell healthy drinks such as milk, water, and fruit juice. First of all, some students might be allergic to milk and some fruit juice. Another reason is any students should be able to bring any type of drink they please because some students might have their own opinion of what they like to drink with their meal at school. Also, I know that students should be more careful what they drink but the students would just go home and consume more sugary drinks when they have a chance . Also, students can still be healthy when they drink unhealthy drinks because they can have one type of sugary drink a day and the rest water or they can exercise after they drink a sugary drink with their meal also, some of the healthy drinks are not really healthy at all. …show more content…

Some students might think that water tastes awful with their meal at school and they might think that sugary drinks taste better with their lunch. Some people complain that the cause of obesity is cause of sugary drinks not all of it is cause of sugary drinks some students might not exercise all the time and just sit around like a dog that is bored and maybe some kids do drink sugary drinks but not all of it is cause of obesity. Second reason I disagree is students still drink unhealthy drinks and still be healthy. For example students can exercise so they can lose all of the fat and they will not have to deal with obesity. Also, students might be able to drink half or one sugary drink so they will not have to go through the stage of obesity and why some students go through obesity is they may be bored like a dog or it may be in the genes that their parents have and they will have it from one of their