
Why Teens Die In Car Accidents In The United States

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As we know USA was the most number of vehicles in the world. According to 2007 estimation, there were 255.4 million registered vehicles in USA. (Listverse Information of Everything) And the number is increased steadily. In 2011, it is about 809 motor vehicles per 1000 people. (Wikipedia). Because the USA has huge number of car, USA is one of the highest incidence of car accident. According to the ASIRT’s (Association for Safe International Road Travel) survey, nearly 1.3 million people die in car accident each year around the world, on average 3278 deaths a day. In United States over 37000 people die in road crashed each year. Nearly 8000 people are killed in crashes involving drives ages 16-20. According to CDC( Centers for Disease Control …show more content…

There are few factors cause teens die in car accident. The main factor is teens are inexperience. They are more likely than order drivers to underestimate dangerous situation or no able to recognize situations.
Distracted driving also is the reason cause teenager fatality. There are many teenagers who think they can multitask while driving. So they always texting, eating and making phone call while driving. Teenagers do not like taking the time to stop the car or wait until they arrive at their destination. They always believe they can handle it.. In fact, they can’t control it. Drivers who under the age of 20 make up the largest percentage of distracted. According to the 2013 teen driver car accident statistics, it is about 10% of teenager driver deaths were the result of distracted driving.
Teenagers like high speed, they always run beyond the limit and they do not have ability to control the car. According to a 2005 study by the national institutes of health in Washington, D. C. found that teens drive an average of 1.3 mph faster than all drives as whole. According to NHTSA (National highway traffic safety administration)’ s survey, 11 percent, of drives age 16to 20 reported at least one speeding-related car

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