Why The Conflicts Faced By Muslim Radical Intolerance Toward Christians In Egypt

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Muslim Radicals intolerance toward Christians in Egypt
“This world is not the same anymore”; someone would say. With the ages the world has changed so dramatically that it is unrecognizable among generations. One of the things that has changed this world of ours is intolerance. Intolerance is a trend now a days. Intolerance is the creator of wars and mass killings and has created a world-wide hatred among races, cultures, and religions.

Let’s take a closer look to the word “Intolerance”. According to Merriam-Webster, Intolerance means “unable or unwilling to endure”. This state of being is the root of many conflicts ranging from domestic violence to genocides. There are records indicating that lack of tolerance has being the reason for …show more content…

Consider the following passages in the Qur’an.
1. Qur’an (3:28), “The believers never ally themselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. Whoever does this is exiled from GOD. Exempted are those who are forced to do this to avoid persecution. GOD alerts you that you shall reverence Him alone. To GOD is the ultimate destiny.”(Khalifa)
Why is this commanded in the Qur’an? It is important to know that non-Muslims are to be treated with suspicious and doubt. Muslims are not allowed to think outside the “box.” Unbelievers will make you question whether Islam is the right path. They will raise questions about Mohammad as a prophet. They will ask if Mohammad did any miracles to verify his claim as a prophet.They will ask a lot of questions that many imams do not have answers for. Moreover, this verse leads to a distrust of even believers .If a Muslim were to confide in a friend that there were doubts about Islam in his mind, he would be shunned rather than helped in solving the …show more content…

Muslims began to feel hatred towards Christians which has given way to terrorist attacks and attacks on churches. Copts are the largest Christian group in the Middle East, and they represent about 10 percent of the population in Egypt those who live there are being threatened frequently by Muslims and terrorist groups. Throughout the years, Christians have managed to immigrate to other countries seeking a better life and live peacefully following their religion.
Obviously the government of Egypt responded to these attacks and decreed a law to protect the Christians but that’s not enough; Ruth Michaelson from the guardian wrote “Egypt’s Coptic Christians have accused the government of failing to protect them in the wake of an attack claimed by Islamic State on a bus convoy that killed at least 29 people and injured about 20 more”. The government of Egypt established a peace treaty with the Muslims which they broke by being the protagonist of simultaneous terrorist attacks with thousands and thousands of

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