Why Things Float Research Paper

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Access the “Why do things float?” interactive from our Physical Science webpage. It is listed in the “Unit 2” section in the middle column

Read the sidebar information on the left side of the screen and answer the following questions in complete sentences on your graph paper:

What is the buoyant force? The buoyant force is the upward force that opposes gravity.
What is the buoyant force equal to? The buoyant force is equal to the amount of water it displaces.
How does Archimedes’ Principle explain whether an object will float or sink? The Archimedes’ Principle
How do you convert the volume of the water displaced in milliliters to mass in grams? The mL of fresh water is equal to its mass in grams.
If the volume of water displaced is …show more content…

Complete the following journal questions:

How does Archimedes’ Principle explain whether an object will float or sink in water? The Archimedes Principle explains whether something will float or sink by explaining that if an object is heavier than the amount of water it displaces it will sink, and if it is lighter than the amount of water it displaces it will float.
In this virtual lab, which objects floated? Which objects sank? Did you results prove Archimedes’ Principle? How do you know? In this lab, the wood, plastic, cork and candle floated; and the aluminum, steel, lead, clay, and rubber sunk.
Use your understanding of Archimedes’ Principle to predict whether the following objects will float or sink:
Object A with a mass of 15.7g that displaces 15.9 millimeters of water. Sink
Object B with a mass of 4.2g that displaces 1.6 millimeters of water. Float
Object C with a mass of 9.4g that displaces 4.7 millimeters of water. Float
Object D with a mass of 11.4g that displaces 19.7 millimeters of water. Sink
Clay can float in water. Describe what you might do to a piece of clay to make it float in water. You would need to shape it to look like a

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