Why Was Abraham Lincoln Effective Leadership Essay

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Abraham Lincoln - Why was he an effective leader?
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous names in the history of this planet. He is the greatest President of the United States of America. His leadership skills on the political front as well as the military front as the Commander-in-Chief of the Union’s army were remarkable. Yet, his past and only active military experience brands him as little more than a comedian. The Black Hawk war was probably a topic Mr. Lincoln preferred only when there was need for humor. Effective leadership was not about winning points with the people or the supporters. It was about delivering results. The task was to unite a nation that was broken in half over the deplorable practice of slavery. It …show more content…

These qualities are still sought after in leaders of today. It is rare for all ten qualities to be present in the characteristics of one person. Truly, Abraham Lincoln was a rare leader who had the perfect balance for effective leadership.
Abraham Lincoln was an honest man. He chose to be honest even when the presenting situation could rapidly turn against him. He never wavered from what he believed in nor was he ashamed of it. He was forthcoming about his views of slavery even as the nation’s leaders were mulling over whether or not to abolish slavery. It was honesty during a speech in Peoria on 16 October 1854 that eventually turned the tide in his favor to become the sixteenth President.
One of the most important skills of a leader is the ability to delegate work. There cannot be a leader who could be everywhere and achieve every goal single-handedly. Abraham Lincoln had the ability to delegate effectively. When he noticed deficiencies in the ranks he made changes immediately. This was one of the qualities that enabled the Union to win the Civil War under the leadership of Ulysses