Why We Are Not Ready For College Essay

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How would you feel if your beliefs in life lead to thousands of unemployed, homeless people, and maybe even bankrupted universities across the country? Let’s say more than half of the schools across the country are pushing no-homework policies. And all across the country, students are not ready for college. People may say, “What’s the problem with that? People can make a living without a college,” but they would hardly be right. With the American unemployed population clearing 14.6 million people as of January 30, 2017, jobs are competitive. (U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time) Without being ready for college, students across the country fail, and end up without degrees. Universities across the country struggle to make things work with dozens of budget cuts, so ordinarily students whose schools kept their homework policies easily win jobs, while the same …show more content…

People may maintain that students can get by in school without homework. Because students are still learning, the aforementioned think that not having homework in school is okay, but what they may forget is that students will have lots of homework in college. Simply put, the education given to one through counselors teaches students that high school gives students lots of class time but small amounts of homework, while college gives small amounts of class time with large amounts of homework, around as much as 60 hours a week. With any experience in life, one will know that attempting new things are often challenging. This is very important when that new thing decides arguably the outcome of almost all of our lives. “While homework overload certainly exists, an in-depth study by the Brookings Institution's Brown Center on Education Policy found it affects only 10 to 20 percent of families,” (Lawrence 1). Without the little preparation students already have, students would have trouble in college just the same as in