Why We Ought To Be United By Our Diversity

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"we ought to be united by our diversity rather than divided" Those are the words that I preached to my best friend Juan that still ring through my mind. This was the sentence that proved that I was becoming wise. This was the sentence that could change the world around me. When I was 12, my best friend at the time, Juan, and I were sitting together, bored in a room at the Boys' and Girls' Club. We just sat and heard the other children playing, cheering, teasing, and just being kids. Juan and I have been told a multitude of times that we weren't like other kids; we were more mature, more intelligent, better leaders and wiser than others. I believe the reason why we were praised by so many was because we questioned the environment around us. Most 12 year olds don't normally question why things are; they don't sit and ponder and come up with alternatives of the things that they saw were wrong, but we did. …show more content…

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I was hypnotized into a trans, a deed though, I looked again and noticed something, division among sex and races. The girls would only hang with the girls and guys only with guys. Latino males would never mix themselves with the black males, and the black males had no intentions of playing with the white males. The same was true about the girls. The thing that I lacked seeing was coexisting in diversity. I pointed this out to my friend Juan, but he wasn't surprised about my founding; explained why this happens especially with latinos and latinas(for which he was one). He explained that it was more of a parent taught thing; the parents would tell their children to stay with their race groups. I asked him why was this, and although he didn't have a complete answer, he believed that it had to do with misconceived notions of other