Why We Should Have Dress Codes In Schools

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“The way that people dress makes them part of an army, dressed in their own uniform, determined to do something.” This quote is from Suzy Menkes. The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America’s 85,000 public schools each day. This is one reason school districts use to implement dress codes. As a result of this(Pros); each year schools progressively adopt some form of dress codes. They range from complete and total uniform through restrictions on certain articles of clothing. Therefore, it has become a legitimate controversial topic. Students may be punished severely, even expelled due to their shortcomings. Studies show that every time a student is penalized and secluded from class for violation of dress code, their chances of academic success are lowered significantly. Students should have the immunity, capability, and the justifiable right to dress however they wish and express themselves. …show more content…

In almost any school, there are a few things that are likely to guarantee a student a trip to the principal's office (When). The more a dress code is enforced, the more likely students are to rebel against it. As a ripple effect students are punished to the extents of expulsion just because of a dress code violation. Being removed from class or forced to spend their school day in the office until their guardian can bring them something more “appropriate”. Due to this their chances and opportunities of educational success is sent into a downward spiral. Students need to be in class to absorb every critical piece of information that their educator is providing them