Wikipedia Should Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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Do you believe that teachers should allow the use of Wikipedia in their classrooms? Many believe that they should and others believe that they should not. There are many different opinions but the fact still remain will using Wikipedia actually help the student with their work. Teachers prohibit students to use Wikipedia because it is an open website meaning anyone can come in adjust the answers or facts about whatever they are looking up. This paper will prove how most teachers feel about the use of Wikipedia. First, we will start off by discussing the issue should teachers allow the use of Wikipedia. As we all know Wikipedia has become more popular over the years and a large amount of students use the website for research. A lot of teachers …show more content…

Third, I believe that students should be able to use Wikipedia for their own research but not for educational purposes. My reason behind that it because Wikipedia is not accurate. I want my students to be able to visit a website and know that they are stating accurate information in their research. Knowing that anyone can just edit Wikipedia state enough that it is not accurate. I also feel like if they use Wikipedia they can just gather their own information up from several dependable website and conduct their own answers. Of course Wikipedia have some accurate information but how do we know what is accurate or not. You will still have to gather some information from other websites in order to check what is right or not. “All too often, “wiki” is used as shorthand for “Wikipedia,” glossing over key differences. In fact, Wikipedia is a particular type of wiki: largely open (with a modest registration, anyone can edit it), with the goals of an encyclopedia.” (Cummings,2009). I want my students to be able to go to the library and get help with using reliable sources. I honestly do not stand against Wikipedia I just do not want my students to use it while doing work that I assigned for them. In conclusion, Wikipedia is not a bad website I just do not agree with using it for conducting research. I’m pretty sure there are teachers out there that allow that but there should be guidelines while using Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great website without any doubts and can be really