William Shakespeare Research Paper

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In one of William Shakespeare’s many famous plays he writes, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” (Twelfth Night). This quote explains how men can achieve greatness. Shakespeare is known as the world’s greatest writer but the question still remains about whether Shakespeare is really Shakespeare at all.
William Shakespeare was born on approximately April 23rd, 1564 in Stratford, United Kingdom. Shakespeare, being his parent’s oldest child, grew up with three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Shakespeare’s father, a business man, worked as a leatherworker. He specialized in the leather used to make gloves. In late 1582, Shakespeare married a woman named Anne Hathaway. They were already expecting their first child, Suzanna, when they married and the couple went on to have twins in 1585. After three years of their marriage, Shakespeare left for London and never returned home or was known to be associated with his wife again; however the couple was also never officially divorced. There is speculation that while in London, Shakespeare was seeing another woman referred to as his “dark …show more content…

Bacon was known to have loved both poetry and theater. Bacon also had the life experience, vocabulary, and knowledge to align with how advanced Shakespeare’s work was. The timeline of both men’s lives fit together, being that Bacon lived the entire span of Shakespeare’s life. Plots of many of Shakespeare’s plays also seemed to align with events in Bacons life and it was even discovered that in Bacon’s private journals, he listed his literary works that included two of Shakespeare’s plays. This is one of the factors that led people to believe Bacon is the true Shakespeare. The Shakespeare Memorial that can be found at Stratford-upon-Avon has a description of Bacon, but the birth and death listed are of the William Shakespeare many people commonly think