
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Katie Golden
Ms. Hulme
Honors English 1
26 April 2017
Shakespeare Essay
Many aspects of writing make literature great. Realistic qualities help a story to reach its full potential. Shakespeare, one of the most influential and well-known writers of all time, created fictional works that the reader can relate to and feel. In Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare’s plays portray realism in the nature of friendship, the nature of a relationship with an enemy, and the possible morality of killing.
To begin, the works of Shakespeare demonstrate realism in the nature of friendship through the close bonds and emotions shared by the characters. In Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio says “Ah, that same pale hard-hearted wench, that …show more content…

This quote shows the feelings Mercutio has for Romeo. Because he cares about Romeo, Mercutio worries for Romeo’s wellbeing and dislikes those who cause him harm. Mercutio and Romeo’s friendship shows realism in the way that they care for each other. The friendship Antonio and Bassanio share shows through the actions they make toward each other. Even though Antonio must take out a loan to fulfill his request, he gives Bassanio money when he asks. Antonio does this because he has Bassanio’s best interests in mind and understands the importance of Bassanio seeking Porta’s hand. This easily compares to situations in which a friend lends money if the other does not have enough. Done out of friendship and kindness, acting on the request of a friend without any gain demonstrates strong and …show more content…

Because of how often killing occurs, the line of morality thins. To give Bassanio money, Antonio must borrow money from Shylock. In exchange for the money Shylock wants “an equal pound / Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken / In what part of your body pleaseth me” (The Merchant of Venice I.iii.51-53). Antonio did not fulfil the deal, but that does not mean he deserves death. Even though Shylock has the right to take Antonio’s flesh, he does not have the right to kill him, making it an unnecessary death and immoral. During a fight in Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt accidentally kills Mercutio. Because of Tybalt’s words, Mercutio began a fight in an attempt to teach him a lesson. They might have meant each other harm, but there the intent to kill did not exist. The blame for Mercutio’s death still lies on Tybalt, but he should not take all of the blame for this result. Realism strikes here because unintentional deaths happen all the time from people dying at the operating table to car accidents. When these events happen blame often falls quickly even without a clear answer pointing to the person at fault. As soon as Romeo learns that Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt in a fit of rage. When confronting Tybalt, Romeo says,”Either thou or I, or both, must go with him” (Romeo and Juliet III.i.134). Romeo believes that one of them must pay for what happened to Mercutio by dying. Since Mercutio only died

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