“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever” is a young adult novel by Jeff Kinney. It is a sixth installment in Kinney’s “Wimpy Kid” series. “Cabin Fever” follows the misadventures of Greg Heffley. His attempt to earn money for Christmas gifts gets him in trouble at the school just as a massive blizzard sets in. When the novel begins, Thanksgiving has just passed, and Greg is panicked about being as good as he can so that Santa Claus will bring him many gifts. Greg spends much of his free time playing the game Net Critterz online. Greg needs cash to buy his virtual pet Chihuahua and various items, but his mom says she will not give him any money. Further, she reveals that Greg will have to earn his own money to buy gifts for others this year. Greg …show more content…
Greg and Rowley discover it is too expensive to advertise in the local paper, and the local paper won’t cover their Bazaar as they deem it to not be newsworthy. Greg and Rowley decide to then create their own paper to advertise their Bazaar, but Vice Principal Roy will not let them hand it out at school. Greg and Rowley decide to advertise for their Bazaar by creating signs and taping them to the school wall. When rain begins falling, it causes the signs to ruin – and green ink to stain the bricks. Greg and Rowley then flee when a teacher nearly catches them. The newspaper carries a story about the vandalism. At school, Roy addresses the student body, demanding that the guilty parties, or anyone with any information, come forward. Rowley submits an anonymous note saying he and Greg are responsible for the vandalism. Greg refuses to identify Rowley as the co-conspirator, meaning that Greg must now clean the bricks alone. It takes him several hours, but he manages to do it. At home, Greg learns the police have paid his house a visit, but with no one home, have merely left a note. Greg is panicked and angered that Roy has brought in the