Women During Ww2 Essay

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During World War 2, people and the government of the United States took actions that were said to support the nation at a time of war. The home front of the United States in World War IIsupported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of women working in wartime industries and submitting to government-managed rationing. Ask anyone who remembers life on the Home Front during WWII about their strongest memories and chances are they will tell you about rationing. The federal government needed to control supply and demand. They found it necessary to ration food, gas, and even clothing during that time. Americans were asked to conserve on everything. With not a single person unaffected by the war, rationing meant sacrifices for all. …show more content…

During WWII all of this changed and a revolution in the work force was eventually seen. Numbers of women working outside the home rose exponentially. Women were brought into the factories from their stay-at-home jobs and America saw some of its highest production rates in history. But not all women wanted to work even with the country’s propaganda ploys. If you were a stay at home mom for my entire life, you would not want to go to work. Working in the industry field was a totally different walk of life and was not the easiest. However, women working in wartime industries during WWII challenged social norms and the views of women as a sex. A huge impact the war had on women was that it changed their expectations and they wanted to make a different and better name for them. Women had their own money and could do with it what they pleased. They became more independent. War taught them how to stand on their on two feet. Though relatively short-lived, World War II provided a way for women to do what they wanted. Far fewer obstacles stood in the way of women proving that they were extremely capable. Women are capable of everything its too bad it took a war to make

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