Women In New York City In The 19th Century

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New York City in the 19th century went through massive economic and social transformations. These changes created a working class that was extremely vulnerable to poverty in which created a middle class with influential ideas on how to improve the lives of poor families. The 19th century became the century in which New York City became America’s largest city and an amazing metropolis. Considering the boom in New York City, women were still not seen as equals and was put to the side as such. Women in the America had a very insignificant role in the community. They openly were discriminated and very usually harassed, and considering the police were not like those of today and not many laws to protect women, these actions were defended by law. …show more content…

It was one of the most important ports economically, most commonly for transporting cotton. Crops were shipped to mills in other parts of the country to English manufacturing cities. Afterward, the finished goods were shipped back to New York. It was no easy task to transport goods back and forth from the agricultural lands in the north and west. In present day New York City, there remains a transportation system. It was a more advanced method compared to the past, which was more time consuming that led to common goods to take a longer process. In 1817, transportation was in the process of becoming more at ease as the Erie Canal was completed back in 1825. It made New York City the trading capital in the country. As the economy began to grow, New York City was underway many improvements. The Commissioner’s Plan was developed, and it arranged the creations of roads and paths that constructs different cities within the state. With the development throughout the years, New York City began to see an increase in immigrants. The majority was from Germany and Ireland, where they began to develop small businesses. New York City currently is a large populated city, with many multi-culture people. It also has an enormous amount of businesses that were established throughout the years, making it one of the most populated state within the country. Which allowed the economy to grow to be a successful one. Today’s New York City is more protected and safe whether you are men, women or children. The police force has been much improved and is highly regarded as one of the best. This is a major difference in how it was back in the 19th century, to which police back then were not considered police, but just men who were paid to look like they were protecting the citizens. In modern New York City, gender itself is treated with equality, and any harassment is dealt with swiftly. This allows modern day women to be more