Women In Prison Analysis

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Other than the factors mentioned in the book, what other factors may have contributed to growth in the correctional system?

One of the factors that contributed to the growth of the correctional system is the increase of women in prison. “This report sheds more light on women in the era of mass incarceration by tracking prison population trends since 1978 for all 50 states” (Sawyer). In this era women are more capable of having a high rate to be in prison. By the reason that women are more vulnerable to be involved in a crime rather than men. “In 35 states, women’s population numbers have fared worse than men’s, and in a few extraordinary states, women’s prison populations have even grown enough to counteract reductions in the men’s population” (Sawyer). The data demonstrate that in this century women have grown population faster than men in incarceration. Before the 1970 women were almost rare to see in prison, local jails, federal prisons or state prison, but since the 1985 the rate grew dramatically in the local jails and state prisons, the federal prisons rate doesn’t have a hilarious increasing, but its increasing little by little. The difference of gender in the correctional system isn’t like the way it was supposed to be in the past. The analysis show that women are having more number of incarceration than men, and that could be a problem with the society.

How has the …show more content…

Discretionary release- conditional release while remaining under supervision of an indeterminate sentence.
Cons of discretionary parole
-the society don’t want to live close to a person who commit crimes or want to have any relationships with him.
-the lack of punishment, the society believe that the criminal deserves to be punishment very hard to could get back in the society.
-the lack of probation officer, the probation officer is taking care more than one person, and it’s more difficult to have control